More than a project ...

Reaching that extra mile more

Training / Coaching

At the present time the acquisition and development of key skills has become increasingly important. This includes the issue of intercultural competence, e.g. to achieve intercultural sensitivity - the ability to empathize with foreign cultures. Every day we meet people with multicultural backgrounds, behaviors and value systems.

There are many different areas where the intercultural competence is an important factor - in daily contact with international business partners, customers, clients, patients or in security / personal protection. More than 10 years of my life in Kuwait and Dubai, and the ongoing collaboration with teams that came from at least 5 to 6 different nations, lend me the necessary sensitivity for very different cultures and related behavioral patterns.

In order to pass these skills, I established seminars for different areas - depending on the needs of the client. If necessary, different levels and / or sectors can also be combined - or be booked as part of an incentive trip (National / International).

I look forward to hearing from you, what is the perfect offer for you!

1. Intercultural Competence - Introduction and Basics (Level 1)

Note the differences - but no one put in a drawer!

In daily contact with people with multicultural backgrounds, behaviors and values systems, situations might arise which unsettle or confuse us. This leads to misunderstandings and irritation (e.g. of business partners, clients / customers / guests, employees of external companies, etc.); in worst case the result can be the loss of a business relationship or revenue; it can increase costs; projects are canceled or a conclusion of contract is not going to be reached.

2. Develop Intercultural Competence - appreciate differences and manage them successfully (Level 2)

Try to put yourself in the position of somebody else and

make yourself similarities clear!

Karl Valentin once said "foreign is the stranger in a strange land only" Where does the strange start and where does it end? What is familiar to you and what foreign (principle of alliance) - and what that mean for dealing with each other? In the communication with people from other countries or different cultures, it does not matter - intercultural competence is one of the important key qualifications (as part of decision-making and responsibility competence) in dealing with international customers, employees and / or cooperation partners. It will help to sensitize your own awareness of the differences, to bypass traps and to identify opportunities. But also to control potentially critical situations and to manage them appropriate to the situation.

3. Intercultural Competence in Medical Care

In this area the intercultural competence and sensitivity is an important part of the daily work with and for the patients (international and/or with migration background). It’s not only a matter of cultural differences, which can be the cause of misunderstandings (and lead to problematic situations). This is about people in a special situation: many have pain, are insecure or even afraid - and are therefore more sensitive than they otherwise might be. This training will help dealing with patients of different cultures more easy.

Many years of experience in medical project management as well as the patient care (e.g. also during attendance of patients from the Arab region during carrying out medical treatments, such as surgeries or rehabilitation, in the GSA region) has the advantage, that the training is accompanied by examples from the daily practice. Thus gives a very practical knowledge to the participants.

It is essential that different requirements and perspectives must be considered (the hospital as a business institution; doctors and medical staff in terms of time expenditure etc.; patient care with corresponding needs) and included in the training. 

Working languages: German, English (under progress)

Target groups:

This seminar is aimed at

v Professionals and Managers in the field of health care (e.g. HR / Quality Management of hospitals, clinics)

v Medical Specialists and Nursing Staff in the field of health care (Doctors, Nurses, Medical Assistants, Therapists)

v Institutions in the medical / health care sector and involved employees, who want to expand their social and personal skills (Expertise Extension) to the range of intercultural competence in patient care and loyalty (Patient Marketing). 

4. Intercultural Competence - Business, Teambuilding & Leadership (Level 3)

Intercultural competence and cultural-adequate action is the key for success – for the cooperation with foreign business partners, but also for the set-up of multi-cultural teams. The establishment of mutual trust takes time - but the ability to empathize in the culture of the other person as quickly as possible can significantly shorten this time and support business cooperation considerably. So misunderstandings, frustration and lost revenue can be avoided and the daily contact with each other gets enjoyable.

5. Intercultural competence in international business - the "Arabic" Business Etiquette ("Orient Knigge")

In the business world it is very well known that the handling and togetherness in the Arab world, particularly the Gulf States, requires much more than "just" the expertise and professional competence.

It is the way how to deal with business and conversational partners. Always "save face" - even if things are going wrong - is sometimes more important than the expertise itself. Thus a cup of tea that one rejects or permanent demands for business. actions (rather than the construction of a personal bond and trust) lead to the termination of important business contacts.

This seminar is important not only for business people who want to build business relationships in / with the Arab world. Also Partners from other countries, even from Germany itself, feel personally addressed and comfortable if they are treated in this courteous manner!

6. Intercultural competence in international business - the "Indian" Business Etiquette ("Indian Knigge")

In the Indian world, dealing with "coexistence" is also based on other values. Honest sympathy, the development of a close and trustful collaboration and respect are the fundament for a successful and long-term business relationship.

A simple "no" is almost a slap in the face of a conversation partner - and just like in the Arab world, "the face" must be preserved.

This seminar is not important only for business people who want to develop business relationships with the Indian world. This is a further cultural insight, which ensures that one's empathic ability and intercultural competence are increased.

7. Intercultural Competence - "the other direction"

Intercultural competence - "the other direction" - one could also call the "Germany-Knigge". Whether for (business)travellers from other countries or employees of other cultures, exchange program participants or refugees - it is important to avoid misunderstandings which are usually the cause of rejection and anger.

In addition to the Basic Law (Fundamental Rights Article 1 -19) that is the legal basis for life in Germany, there are differences in behavior, perception and communication (also non-verbal), which can lead to difficulties in daily life. Helpful for this seminar are examples from my daily life (from more than 10 years practice in Kuwait and Dubai), which allow the view from "the other side" and make situations for participants more easily to understand.

    This seminar is designed to help to facilitate the entry into the German world (private and / or business) and to increase the understanding of local processes and to avoid misunderstandings. This creates the prerequisite for a harmonious coexistence!Intercultural competence - "the other direction" - one could also call the "Germany-Knigge". Whether for (business)travellers from other countries or employees of other cultures, exchange program participants or refugees - it is important to avoid misunderstandings which are usually the cause of rejection and anger.

Working languages: German, English

Target groups:

This seminar is aimed at

v companies / institutions with employees from other cultures

v participants of exchange programs

v those who reside in Germany for longer term (for private or professional reasons) or have immigrated      

v people from refugee programs who want to build up a new life in Germany (e.g. as recognized refugees) or institutions that deal with appropriate integration programs. 


Please note:

The Seminars Level 3 (Intercultural Competence - Business and Teambuilding) and 4. Leadership Skills: Intercultural competence in international business - the "Arabic" Business Etiquette can be booked also as part of a (VIP-)Incentive travel workshop!

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